About aop
We believe this is just scratching the surface of anatomy and pleasure. We have big plans and would love your support and attention, so please follow us on your preferred social media and check out the Medium Blog.
Alakina Mann, Fine Artist and Medical Illustrator
Who is behind AoP?
The brain child of Ali Mann and Timi Kosa.
Anatomy of Pleasure is a project that evolved out of my thesis in Medical Visualisation and Human Anatomy at Glasgow University in 2018.
I Graduated from a Fine Art Painting degree in London in 2015 and worked as a fine artist and illustrator. My fine art practice involved large scale autobiographical drawings of the body, exploring the connection between mind and body. By omission, my drawings highlighted to me the areas I was not willing to discuss or draw; the sexual areas of the body. I also realised how little I really knew about them.
This was the catalyst, as well as a lifelong fascination with the body, that lead me to undertake a review of sex anatomy during my Masters in Med Vis. My thesis title was “Can interactive, 2D and 3D imaging effectively educate the general public on the anatomy of female pleasure?” (I found that it could to the degree of 34% (n=30) increase in knowledge). I found that interactive technologies were an intriguing, empathetic, fun and effective way of communicating with a wide audience.
Fine Art portfolio: https://www.behance.net/Alakinamann.
Current projects: anatomyofpleasure.org
Chapter contribution, lead-author, Medical Visualisation, Publisher; Springer Nature.
Speaker at Medical Visualisation Conference II, Glasgow, 03/12/2018
Credit. 3D model: Alakina Mann. Colour and Render: Timi Kosa
Timea Kosa, Medical Illustrator & Graphic Designer
Medical visualiser extraordinaire
Timi is also a graduate of the Medical Visualisation and Human Anatomy Msc at Glasgow University. She specialises in making anatomy look spectacular and understandable and is responsible for the beautiful 3D renders and textures, the logo and graphic design here at AoP.